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Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences

Cybersecurity – Professor Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Roth

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  • IT Security: (Bachelor)

This lecture teaches the basics of IT security. Each lecture is supplemented by at least one practical (offensive) task in the respective area as well as a theoretical exercise sheet.

The areas covered include:
- Basic security principles & law
- Fundamentals of cryptography & signatures
- Authentication mechanisms & access control
- Fundamentals of networks & network security
- System security & binary exploits
- Basics of the web & web security

  • Web Application Security: (Master)

This course teaches advanced attack and defence measures for web applications. It covers both the server and the client (browser) side. Each of the lectures is supplemented by one or more practical capture-the-flag style tasks in which both the own application is defended and a central instance is attacked.

An overview of the (expected) topics:
- Historic evolution of the Web
- Basic client-side technologies
- Cross-Site Scripting
- Content Security Policy
- Cross-Origin Communication
- Cross-Origin Attacks
- Database (In)security
- Remote Code Execution 
- Assorted Server-Side Security
- Infrastructure Security

  • Overview of current courses:

Webmaster: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Roth

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